R002 玛格丽特Marguerte

经典天然丝光棉 Classic natural mercerized cotton

罗芬迪欧标床垫,采用天然豪华亲肤纯棉丝光布面料,华丽光泽,手感柔滑,线条饱满,极富弹性。弹力支撑系统使用的是静音无干扰的强韧耐磨7环独立袋弹簧,动物羊绒纤维舒适层,天然抗菌高弹乳胶,带给您非常柔软舒适承托感,保护脊护及睡眠透气性能极佳,可达全身放松状态,进口床垫 。这些高档材料结合精致美学工艺打造出精美绝伦的床垫,在视觉及触觉上达到极致。

Well-selected imported luxury natural mercerized cotton fabric, skin-friendly, stretchy and durable.

Individual 7-coiled pocket spring system featuring strategically placed coils that balance comfort and support across the mattress, high resiliance, silient and interference-free from motion of your partner.

Pillow top layer with caramel fabric and natural anti-bacteria latex.

Well-supporting every curve of your body with good ventilation and providing spinal protection for pressure-relief of your body.

Combining high quality materials with exquisite craft, achieving the best experience in visual and touch feeling for healthy sleeping.
